WPGraphQL Gutenberg

This FREE plugin from @pristas_peter exposes Gutenberg Blocks to the WPGraphQL Schema, allowing blocks to be queried with GraphQL!

WPGraphQL for SEOPress

This FREE plugin from @moon_meister exposes data managed by SEOPress to the WPGraphQL Schema, allowing for SEO data to be used in your headless applications.

WPGraphQL Send Email

This FREE plugin from @Ash_Hitchcock allows you to send emails via a simple mutation. Includes the abilitty to restrict sending to trusted origins.

WPGraphQL Content Blocks

This FREE plugin from the folks at QZ.com exposes a way to query HTML content from WordPress Posts and Pages as “Blocks” (not related to Gutenberg) to bring more structure to your queried content.

WPGraphQL Dad Jokes

This FREE plugin allows you to query random Dad Jokes using GraphQL! This wraps the icanhazdadjoke.com REST API and was created mostly to demonstrate how to build WPGraphQL Extensions.