Fires after themes have been setup, allowing for both plugins and themes to register things before graphql_init Params $instance (WPGraphQL): The instance of the WPGraphQL class Source File: wp-graphql/wp-graphql.php
Post Type Archives: Actions
Fire an action when the Type Register is returned Params $type_registry (WPGraphQL\Registry\TypeRegistry): The registry of Types used in the GraphQL Schema Source File: wp-graphql/wp-graphql.php
Fire an action when the Schema is returned Params $schema (WPGraphqL\WPSchema): The Schema definition Source File: wp-graphql/wp-graphql.php
Fire an action as the type registry is initialized. This executes before the graphql_register_types action to allow for earlier hooking Params $type_registry (WPGraphQL\Registry\TypeRegistry): The registry of Types used in the GraphQL Schema Source File: wp-graphql/src/Registry/TypeRegistry.php
Fires when the debug logs are retrieved Params $debug_log (WPGraphQL\Utils\DebugLog): An instance of the DebugLog class Source File: wp-graphql/src/Utils/DebugLog.php Example
Run an action when the WPObjectType is instantiating Params $config (array): Array of configuration options passed to the WPUnionType when instantiating a new type $union_type (WPGraphQL\Type\WPUnionType): The instance of the WPUnionType class Source File: wp-graphql/src/Type/WPUnionType.php
Run an action when the WPObjectType is instantiating Params $config (array): Array of configuration options passed to the WPObjectType when instantiating a new type $object_type (WPGraphQL\Type\WPObjectType): The instance of the WPObjectType class Source File: wp-graphql/src/Type/WPObjectType.php
Run an action after the additional data has been updated. This is a great spot to hook into to update additional data related to users, such as setting relationships, updating additional usermeta, or sending emails to Kevin… whatever you need to do with the userObject Params $user_id (int): The ID of the user being mutated …
Continue reading “graphql_user_object_mutation_update_additional_data”
Fire an action as the type registry is initialized. This executes during the graphql_register_types action to allow for earlier hooking Params $type_registry (WPGraphQL\Registry\TypeRegistry): The registry of Types used in the GraphQL Schema Source File: wp-graphql/src/Registry/TypeRegistry.php
Fires an action as the Type registry is being initiated Params $type_registry (WPGraphQL\Registry\TypeRegistry): The registry of Types used in the GraphQL Schema Source File: wp-graphql/src/Registry/TypeRegistry.php