
Fires after themes have been setup, allowing for both plugins and themes to register things before graphql_init Params $instance (WPGraphQL): The instance of the WPGraphQL class Source File: wp-graphql/wp-graphql.php


Fire an action when the Type Register is returned Params $type_registry (WPGraphQL\Registry\TypeRegistry): The registry of Types used in the GraphQL Schema Source File: wp-graphql/wp-graphql.php


Fire an action when the Schema is returned Params $schema (WPGraphqL\WPSchema): The Schema definition Source File: wp-graphql/wp-graphql.php


Fire an action as the type registry is initialized. This executes before the graphql_register_types action to allow for earlier hooking Params $type_registry (WPGraphQL\Registry\TypeRegistry): The registry of Types used in the GraphQL Schema Source File: wp-graphql/src/Registry/TypeRegistry.php


Fires when the debug logs are retrieved Params $debug_log (WPGraphQL\Utils\DebugLog): An instance of the DebugLog class Source File: wp-graphql/src/Utils/DebugLog.php Example


Run an action when the WPObjectType is instantiating Params $config (array): Array of configuration options passed to the WPUnionType when instantiating a new type $union_type (WPGraphQL\Type\WPUnionType): The instance of the WPUnionType class Source File: wp-graphql/src/Type/WPUnionType.php


Run an action when the WPObjectType is instantiating Params $config (array): Array of configuration options passed to the WPObjectType when instantiating a new type $object_type (WPGraphQL\Type\WPObjectType): The instance of the WPObjectType class Source File: wp-graphql/src/Type/WPObjectType.php


Fire an action as the type registry is initialized. This executes during the graphql_register_types action to allow for earlier hooking Params $type_registry (WPGraphQL\Registry\TypeRegistry): The registry of Types used in the GraphQL Schema Source File: wp-graphql/src/Registry/TypeRegistry.php


Fires an action as the Type registry is being initiated Params $type_registry (WPGraphQL\Registry\TypeRegistry): The registry of Types used in the GraphQL Schema Source File: wp-graphql/src/Registry/TypeRegistry.php