WPGraphQL MetaBox Relationships

This FREE plugin from @hsimah adds support for the http://MetaBox.io Relationships field to WPGraphQL (when also using his wp-graphql-metabox plugin)

WPGraphQL Polls

This FREE plugin from @andrenosouza allows you to interact with data from the WP-Polls plugin via GraphQL Queries and Mutations

WPGraphQL MB (MetaBox)

This FREE plugin from @DalkMania adds all registered metaboxes using http://MetaBox.io to the WPGraphQL Schema.

Total Counts for WPGraphQL

Total Counts for WPGraphQL This FREE plugin from @builtbycactus exposes total counts to connections in the WPGraphQL Schema

WPGraphQL for Metabox

This FREE plugin from @hsimah exposes fields registered using the popular http://MetaBox.io to the WPGraphQL Schema.

WPGraphQL Offset Pagination

This FREE plugin from @enshrined adds basic offset pagination as opposed to the standard Cursor based pagination that ships with WPGraphQL.