
Run an action after the response has been filtered, as the response is being returned. This is a good place for debug tools to hook in to log things, etc. Params $filtered_response (array): The filtered response for the GraphQL request $response (array): The response for your GraphQL request $schema (WPGraphQL\WPSchema): The schema object for the …


Run an action. This is a good place for debug tools to hook in to log things, etc. Params $response (array): The response for your GraphQL request $schema (WPGraphQL\WPSchema): The schema object for the root request $operation (string): The name of the operation $query (string): The query that GraphQL executed $variables (array|null): Variables passed to …


Action that executes when a GraphQL Request begins. This is a great place for plugins to hook in and modify things that should only occur in the context of a GraphQL Request. The base class hooks into this action to kick off the schema creation, types are not set up until this action has run. …


Fires after a single term is created or updated via a GraphQL mutation Params $post_id (int): Inserted post ID $post_type_object (WP_Post_Type): The Post Type object for the post being mutated $args (array): The args used to insert the term $mutation_name (string): The name of the mutation being performed Source File: wp-graphql/src/Mutation/PostObjectUpdate.php


Fire an action AFTER the field resolves Params $source (mixed): The source passed down the Resolve Tree $args (array): The args for the field $context (AppContext): The AppContext that is passed down the resolve tree $info (ResolveInfo): The ResolveInfo that is passed down the resolve tree $field_resolver (mixed): The field resolver function $type_name (string): The name of …


Fire an action BEFORE the field resolves Params $source (mixed): The source passed down the Resolve Tree $args (array): The args for the field $context (AppContext): The AppContext that is passed down the resolve tree $info (ResolveInfo): The ResolveInfo that is passed down the resolve tree $field_resolver (mixed): The field resolver function $type_name (string): The name of the type the …