
This plugin configures your WordPress site to be an optimized source for Gatsby

WPGraphQL for Advanced Custom Fields

This FREE plugin exposes fields from Advanced Custom Fields (Free and Pro) to the WPGraphQL Schema allowing you to interact with data in ACF fields via GraphQL Queries. You can learn more at https://acf.wpgraphql.com

WPGraphQL JWT Authentication

This FREE plugin enables you to authenticate to WordPress using a GraphQL login mutation and get JWT tokens in response and use to make authenticated requests to WordPress.

WPGraphQL for Custom Post Type UI

This FREE plugin adds settings to Custom Post Type UI allowing you to set which Post Types and Taxonomies registered by CPTUI should display in the WPGraphQL Schema.

WPGraphQL Tax Query

This FREE plugin filters the connections for Posts and Post Types to allow for advanced querying by taxonomy filters. A feature like this will be in core WPGraphQL soon, but for now you can use the plugin.

WPGraphQL Meta Query

This FREE plugin filters the connections for Posts and Post Types to allow for advanced querying using meta filters. Querying by meta can be dangerous, do this feature will likely not be in the core plugin, but if you need it:

WPGraphQL Dad Jokes

This FREE plugin allows you to query random Dad Jokes using GraphQL! This wraps the icanhazdadjoke.com REST API and was created mostly to demonstrate how to build WPGraphQL Extensions.