Tracing for WPGraphQL

In 2015, Huey Petersen wrote an article about instrumenting a GraphQL schema to track resolver times and provide insight into how the GraphQL server is performing. Since then Apollo Optics has taken the instrumentation to a new level, providing a SaaS solution for storing data about your GraphQL requests. The Apollo team has also been working …

Using GraphQL Queries in PHP within your WordPress Theme or Plugin

GraphQL is most popularly known as a way to fetch data from remote sources via HTTP requests, but with WPGraphQL, you can access your local WordPress data in your plugin or theme via declarative GraphQL queries. An example use case would be a simple shortcode for a list of posts. Let’s look at how we can build …

WPGraphQL at WordCamp for Publishers

I hosted a workshop on “Content Syndication with the WP REST API and WPGraphQL” at the first ever WordCamp for Publishers on Friday, August 18, 2017 at the Denver Post building in beautiful Denver, CO. Unfortunately, there was no video of the workshop, but the slides for the workshop are here: In the workshop, we …

Optimizing WPGraphQL for WordPress VIP

EDIT: This specific issue has been addressed by WordPress core in version WordPress 4.8, but it still shows how to filter to override resolvers in WPGraphQL. If you host your site with VIP, you can (and should) take advantage of the cached functions they provide to improve the performance of some WordPress core uncached functions. If …

Query Dad Jokes with WPGraphQL

If you’ve ever wanted to use GraphQL to query dad jokes, look no further. If you’re running a WordPress site, you can install the WPGraphQL plugin along with the WPGraphQL Dad Jokes plugin, and you can query for a random Dad Joke using GraphQL! The plugin uses to retrieve a random dad joke. This …

Denver WordPress Developer Meetup Workshop Follow Up

In preparation for the Workshop I’ll be doing at WordCamp Orange County next weekend, I hosted the Workshop for the Denver WordPress Developer Meetup to get some practice. I learned a lot about how I need to have my files organized for the workshop and learned what steps I can skip to get through the …