Getting started with WPGraphQL and Gridsome

This is a guest post by @nicolaisimonsen Gridsome is a Vue.js framework for building static generated sites/apps. It’s performant, powerful, yet simple and really faaaaast. Gridsome can pull in data from all sorts of data-sources like CMSs, APIs, Markdown etc. It has a lot of features. Go check ’em out. Since GraphQL is so efficient …

Gutenberg and Decoupled Applications

In this article I want to dive into the current state of Gutenberg and WPGraphQL. This is a technical article about using Gutenberg blocks in the context of decoupled / headless / API-driven WordPress, and makes the assumption that you already know what Gutenberg is and have some general understanding of how it works. TL;DR …

My weekend release snafu

This past weekend I released v1.2.0 of WPGraphQL. And 1.2.1, and 1.2.2, and 1.2.3, and 1.2.4, and 1.2.5. I made some changes to the Github repo that caused deploys to not behave as intended, and to call it a “snafu” might be an understatement. Plugin distribution For the first 4 years of WPGraphQL, the plugin …