
Given a Mutation Name and Config array, this adds a Mutation to the Schema

register_graphql_mutation( string $mutation_name, array $config );


  • $mutation_name (string): The name of the mutation
  • $config (array): Configuration for the mutation
    • $description (string): Description of the mutation type.
    • $inputFields (array): The input fields for the mutation
      • $type (string): The name of the Type in the Schema the field should accept. Note: ObjectTypes cannot be used as Input Types.
      • $description (string): The field description.
    • $outputFields (array): The output field for the mutation (what can be asked for in response)
    • $mutateAndGetPayload (function): How the mutation should resolve


File: access-functions.php


Here is a basic example of registering a mutation:

# This function registers a mutation to the Schema.
# The first argument, in this case `exampleMutation`, is the name of the mutation in the Schema
# The second argument is an array to configure the mutation.
# The config array accepts 3 key/value pairs for: inputFields, outputFields and mutateAndGetPayload.
register_graphql_mutation( 'exampleMutation', [

	# inputFields expects an array of Fields to be used for inputting values to the mutation
	'inputFields'         => [
		'exampleInput' => [
			'type' => 'String',
			'description' => __( 'Description of the input field', 'your-textdomain' ),

	# outputFields expects an array of fields that can be asked for in response to the mutation
	# the resolve function is optional, but can be useful if the mutateAndPayload doesn't return an array
	# with the same key(s) as the outputFields
	'outputFields'        => [
		'exampleOutput' => [
			'type' => 'String',
			'description' => __( 'Description of the output field', 'your-textdomain' ),
			'resolve' => function( $payload, $args, $context, $info ) {
                   		return isset( $payload['exampleOutput'] ) ? $payload['exampleOutput'] : null;

	# mutateAndGetPayload expects a function, and the function gets passed the $input, $context, and $info
	# the function should return enough info for the outputFields to resolve with
	'mutateAndGetPayload' => function( $input, $context, $info ) {
		// Do any logic here to sanitize the input, check user capabilities, etc
		$exampleOutput = null;
		if ( ! empty( $input['exampleInput'] ) ) {
			$exampleOutput = 'Your input was: ' . $input['exampleInput'];
		return [
			'exampleOutput' => $exampleOutput,
] );

Registering the above mutation would allow for the following mutation to be executed:

mutation {
		input: { clientMutationId: "example", exampleInput: "Test..." }
	) {

And the following response would be provided:

	"data": {
		"exampleMutation": {
			"clientMutationId": "example",
			"exampleOutput": "Your input was: Test..."

Published by Jason Bahl

Jason is a Principal Software Engineer at WP Engine based in Denver, CO where he maintains WPGraphQL. When he's not writing code or evangelizing about GraphQL to the world, he enjoys escaping from escape rooms, playing soccer, board games and Fortnite.