
Given an array with a Query and optional Variables and Operation Name this executes a GraphQL request.

graphql( $operation );


  • $operation (array): An associative array of key/value pairs for the operation to execute.
    • $query (string): The Query string to execute. This can be a mutation as well.
    • $variables (array): Array of variables to be used with the operation
    • $operation_name (string): The name of the operation.


File: access-functions.php


The graphql() function can be used to execute GraphQL operations within PHP. WPGraphQL uses this method heavily within it’s automated test suites.

Query a List of Posts in PHP

Here’s an example of querying a list of posts using the graphql() function:

$graphql = graphql([
  'query' => '
    posts {
      nodes {

Query with Arguments in PHP

Here’s an example of querying with arguments in PHP.

$graphql = graphql([
  'query' => '
  query GetPosts( $first: Int ) {
    posts {
      nodes {
  'variables' => [
    'first' => 5, // <-- This value could be dynamic from a shortcode/gutenberg block, a form submission, etc.

Published by Jason Bahl

Jason is a Principal Software Engineer at WP Engine based in Denver, CO where he maintains WPGraphQL. When he's not writing code or evangelizing about GraphQL to the world, he enjoys escaping from escape rooms, playing soccer, board games and Fortnite.