
Filter the pageInfo that is returned to the connection.

This filter allows for additional fields to be filtered into the pageInfo of a connection, such as “totalCount”, etc, because the filter has enough context of the query, args, request, etc to be able to calcuate and return that information.

apply_filters( 'graphql_connection_page_info', array $page_info, AbstractConnectionResolver $resolver );


  • $page_info (array): Array containing page info
  • $resolver (AbstractConnectionResolver): Instance of the connection resolver


You would want to register a “total” field to the PageInfo type, like so:

add_action( 'graphql_register_types', function() {
register_graphql_field( 'PageInfo', 'totalCount', [
'type' => 'Int',
'description' => __( 'The total count of items in the connection.', 'your-textdomain' ),
'resolve' => static function( $source, $args, $context, $info ) {
return $source['totalCount'];
] );

} );

Then, you would want to filter the connection query args to tell the underlying WP_Query to ask to count the total posts.

add_filter( 'graphql_post_object_connection_query_args', function( array $query_args, $source, $args, $context, $info ) {

$field_selection = $info->getFieldSelection( 2 );

if ( ! isset( $field_selection['pageInfo']['totalCount'] ) ) {
return $query_args;

$query_args['no_found_rows'] = false;

return $query_args;

}, 10, 5 );

You would also need to do the same for the other WordPress query classes. WP_Query uses no_found_rows => false to tell SQL to count the total, but WP_Term_Query and

Then filter the pageInfo to return the total for the query, something to this tune:

add_filter( 'graphql_connection_page_info', function( $page_info, $resolver ) {
$page_info['totalCount'] = $resolver->get_query()->found_posts ?? null;
return $page_info;
}, 10, 2 );

This uses the results of the query to return the totalCount. Again, this would need to be more advanced to account for queries that return the data differently. WP_Query returns the data as found_posts where other query classes might return differently.

Now, we can query connections like so, getting the total count:

Published by Jason Bahl

Jason is a Principal Software Engineer at WP Engine based in Denver, CO where he maintains WPGraphQL. When he's not writing code or evangelizing about GraphQL to the world, he enjoys escaping from escape rooms, playing soccer, board games and Fortnite.